Cancel within 48 hours of class for a refund in 10 business days.
Sign in for all class sections will be done by students and will require an email address for all students and license number for already licensed students.
Zoom class attendance will be taken by students having cameras on during class time.
Breaks will be given for classes more than 1 hour. 7 hour or more classes will have a lunch break given.
Certificates will be issued within 2 business days of class and all CE classes will be entered automatically to AREC within 48 hours of course completion.
Entire class must be attended for credit to be given.
Instructor contact information will be given to students for questions about material covered in class and instructor will respond within 24 business hours.
Our instructors welcome questions and hope to help you on your path to learning about new topics or to become a new agent or broker. Some students may have questions that come up later after class is over and we want to provide additional resources to answer questions for students to fully understand new material.